Our network

Prof. Dr. Felix Wieland
Elected Member of the Academia Europea and the National Academy of Sciences,
Honorary member of the Charité

Nobel Laureate
Prof. Dr. James Rothman
Yale University,

Dr. Trevor L. Hawkins

“The cooperation with lifespin has opened up new possibilities for our research focus liquid biopsy. The analysis of metabolomic changes in blood plasma-based liquid biopsies represents a new level in our field of research and contributes to both the further understanding of tumor disease progression and the development of prognostic and predictive biomarkers.
The direct and straightforward collaboration with lifespin has led to a rapid implementation of ideas and project concepts. Overall, the cooperation with lifespin is a great enrichment for our projects, so we are looking forward to the planned further collaboration.”
Prof. Dr. med. Rainer Claus
Senior Physician and Scientific Director
University Hospital Augsburg

“Since last year lifespin has been supporting us in the analysis of the metabolomic course after stem cell transplantation and the investigation of the metabolite profile of CLL patients.
Lifespin has given us a detailed insight into their promising technology. An additional, enormously positive aspect of the collaboration is the number of parameters output. But it’s not just the technical know-how, but also the efficiency with which lifespin works and the constructive and open communication that have convinced us across the board.
We look forward to a long-term collaboration!”
Prof. Dr. med. Dimitrios Mougiakakos MHBA
Managing Senior Physician
University Hospital Erlangen

Dr. rer. nat. Werner Dammermann
Brandenburg University Hospital
Brandenburg Medical School

Prof. Dr. Andreas Krumpel
Bioengineering/ Physics and Mathematics
Weihenstephan University of Applied Sciences